Churchkhela recipe

Churchkhela recipe Churchkhela – The traditional Eastern dessert originally from Georgia.  The most eye-catching Georgian food of all, churchkhela are the lumpy, colorful confections hanging in storefront windows, which tourists often mistake for sausages. The...

Eggs with Tuna Filling

Eggs with Tuna Filling Eggs with Tuna Filling are my favorite hors d’oeuvres. Very classy and elegant appetizer that will look beautiful on your table. I made this dish for Easter and Christmas party, and everyone loved it. Great to serve at a brunch or lunch...

Stuffed zucchini flowers

Stuffed zucchini flowers Zucchini season runs from around May to early September. The flowers have to be picked before noon so they are still opened.  They are fun to make but do take a little time. Stuffed zucchini flowers are one of my favorite dishes. I used to...

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