Churchkhela recipe

Churchkhela recipe Churchkhela – The traditional Eastern dessert originally from Georgia.  The most eye-catching Georgian food of all, churchkhela are the lumpy, colorful confections hanging in storefront windows, which tourists often mistake for sausages. The...

Nettles flatbread without yeast

Nettles flatbread without yeast You may have noticed I’m into homemade bread.  And nobody at my house is complaining.  The softness and fresh taste just can’t be beat.  I have a super simple tasty recipe to share today. It was a bit of an experiment, but it turned out...

Yeast free spinach piadina

Yeast free spinach piadina Spinach is a miracle green that gives your skin a healthy glow, lowers blood pressure, fights cancer, improves vision and heart health, boosts immunity and energy. Tell you the truth, this time, I didn’t make it by myself. My...

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